The hour of history "Alash uly"

On March 3, librarians of the reading room department together with the boarding school "Kemel Bilim" held an hour of the history of "Alash uly", dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the state and public figure, leader of Alash Alikhan Bokeikhanov. Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov Espembetova A.M. focused on the activities of A. Bokeikhanov on the political path for the liberation of her native people, a history teacher of the Aktobe regional specialized boarding lyceum for gifted teenagers "Bilim-Innovation", Master of History Batyrgalieva A. G. told about the works in Kazakh science, about its continuity with the ideals of independence.
During the event, a book exhibition "Kazakh tarikhyndagy uly tulgalar" was organized, a slide on the theme: "Alikhan Bokeikhanov-tarikhi tulga", a video broadcast was shown telling about the life of the leader of Alash. As a result, every citizen who wants to faithfully serve his Homeland was able to learn from the history of Alash, including from amanat-the legacy that he left to his descendants.

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